
Designated Liason Person


Our Designated Liason Person 2024

Setanta Ceatharlach Hurling/Camogie Club, Carlow Town

All Clubs and County Boards should appoint a Designated Liaison Person who on their behalf shall be responsible for dealing with concerns relating to the possible abuse of children. The Designated Liaison Person (DLP) must be familiar with the safeguarding and child welfare roles and responsibilities of statutory authorities and agencies within their jurisdiction, and the Association’s Guidance for Dealing with & Reporting Allegations or Concerns of Abuse and our Code of Behaviour (Underage).

The Designated Liaison Person is responsible for ensuring the reporting of allegations or concerns of abuse to Tusla (ROI) or Gateway Services Team at the Health and Social Care Trusts (NI) and/or An Garda Síochána/Police Service of Northern Ireland, having established reasonable grounds for concern. A report may be made by the Club or County DLP or the County DLP, as appropriate, or as a joint report with a Mandated Person (ROI) and must be done without delay once reasonable grounds for concern have been established.

The Designated Liason Person in Setanta Ceatharlach is Tommy Corcoran (email: tomascorcoran@hotmail.com). Should you have any concerns please feel free to discuss them with Tommy.

The link below outlines the role of the GAA Club and County Designated Liason Person:

Section 8 Designated Liasion Officer.pdf

Tusla - Child and Family Agency Contacts

Tusla - The Child and Family Agency was established on the 1st January 2014 and is now the dedicated State agency responsible for improving wellbeing and outcomes for children.

If you have concerns about a child but are not sure what to do or may need advice on procedures, you should discuss such concerns with your GAA Club or County Designated Person, your Children’s Officer or contact your local Child and Family Agency social work department for advice. You may at any time contact the GAA National Children’s Office in Croke Park  Tel +353 (0) 1 836222 or by email to safeguardingchildren@gaa.ie


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