Code of Behaviour (Underage)
Setanta Ceatharlach Hurling/Camogie Club, Carlow Town

The publication by the Gaelic Athletic Association, the Ladies Gaelic Football Association, the Camogie
Association, GAA Handball Ireland and the Rounders Council of Ireland of this joint Code of Behaviour
(Underage) provides our membership, and particularly those who work with young people and children,
with specific direction and guidance when fulfilling their roles at local and national level.
Such is the importance of the child safeguarding and protection agenda in our work that each of the
Gaelic Games Associations have brought together the collective best practices based on many years of
experience as we seek to provide a safe environment in which we can promote our games and enable
young people and children to develop in a caring and respective environment.
This Code applies to all persons under 18 yrs. of age who participate in our games or other activities and
to those who work with them and assist them in any capacity on our behalf.